Credit Hours: 3
Sets and real numbers; algebra of polynomials; algebra of rational expressions; exponents and radicals; linear equations and inequalities; systems of linear equations; quadratic equations.
Credit Hours: 1
Linear equations and applications; systems of linear equations; linear functions in the rectangular coordinate system. The combination of MTH 1020 + MTH 1030 + MTH 1040 is equivalent to MTH 1010.
Credit Hours: 1
Algebra of polynomials; algebra of rational expressions; solving polynomial and rational equations; ratio and proportion; literal equations. The combination of MTH 1020 + MTH 1030 + MTH 1040 is equivalent to MTH 1010.
Credit Hours: 1
Rational exponents; radical expressions; solving equations containing radical expressions; quadratic equations; applications of quadratic equations. The combination of MTH 1020 + MTH 1030 + MTH 1040 is equivalent to MTH 1010.
Credit Hours: 3
Equations and inequalities; graphs and functions; polynomials and rational functions; exponential and logarithmic; systems of equations and inequalities; matrices and determinants; conic sections.
Credit Hours: 3
Pre-calculus topics; derivatives and integrals; applications; techniques of integration.
Credit Hours: 3
Study of functions, including polynomials; rational, algebraic, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions. Computer laboratory included.
Credit Hours: 4
Functions; limits and continuity; derivatives and integrals of polynomial, rational and trigonometric functions. Computer laboratory included.
Credit Hours: 4
Topics in analytic geometry, differentiation and integration of exponential, logarithmic and inverse trigonometric functions; sequences and series. Computer laboratory included.
Credit Hours: 1
This course is intended to provide students early in their collegiate careers with a broad overview of the field of mathematics. Topics may include: the nature of research in theoretical mathematics, cutting edge applications of mathematics, deductive vs inductive logic, possible careers using mathematics, and interesting topics in mathematics. Open to all students interested in mathematics. Mathematics majors and minors are encouraged to participate.
Credit Hours: 4
Plane curves; polar coordinates; vectors in two and three dimensions; analytic geometry in the three dimensions; vector valued functions; partial derivatives and multiple integrals.
Credit Hours: 2
Course topics include: vectors and analytic geometry in two and three dimensions, parametric curves, calculus of vector valued functions, and motion of a point in space, and functions of several variables and their derivatives.
Credit Hours: 2
Course topics include: multiple integrals and vector calculus.
Credit Hours: 1
Course topics for MTH 2413 include: vectors and analytic geometry in two and three dimensions, parametric curves, calculus of vector valued functions, and motion of a point in space, and functions of several variables and their derivatives.
Credit Hours: 1
Course topics for MTH 2414 include: vectors and analytic geometry in two and three dimensions, parametric curves, calculus of vector valued functions, and motion of a point in space, and functions of several variables and their derivatives.
Credit Hours: 1
Course topics for MTH 2415 include: multiple integrals and vector calculus.
Credit Hours: 1
Course topics for MTH 2416 include: multiple integrals and vector calculus.
Credit Hours: 3
Sets; functions and proof techniques; logic and logic circuits; relations; combinatorics; some graph theory; application to Computer Science.
Credit Hours: 3
Vector spaces, matrices, systems of linear equations, determinants, inner products, linear transformations, similar matrices, eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix.
Credit Hours: 3
Measurement of interest; nominal and effective interest; force of interest; present value factor; annuities; amortization schedules and sinking funds; reinvestment rates; bonds and other securities.
Credit Hours: 3
Students will learn how to form plausible conjectures. Students will be introduced to various techniques of proofs such as direct proof, proof by contrapositive, proof by induction, etc. Applications of these techniques on set theory, analysis, conmbinatories group theory, and functions and relations will be discussed.
Credit Hours: 4
Linear dependence; linear differential equations and applications; systems of linear differential equations; series solutions.
Credit Hours: 3
Sets and mappings, an axiomatic approach to the number system, groups, rings, ideals, fields, isomorphism theorems, induction, permutations.
Credit Hours: 3
Divisibility, congruences, quadratic reciprocity, number theoretic functions, Diophantine equations, prime number theorems, recent developments in number theory.
Credit Hours: 3
Introductory probability theory; elements of sampling and descriptive statistics; sampling distributions; estimations and hypothesis testing; regression and correlation analysis; computer laboratory using a statistical software package.
Credit Hours: 3
Techniques of mathematical proofs chosen from real numbers, sets, functions, point set theory, theory of limits, continuity, differentiation, Riemann integral, and infinite series.
Credit Hours: 3
Analytic functions; complex integration; application of Cauchy's theorem; conformal mapping; applications.
Credit Hours: 3
Linear programming, project scheduling, dynamic programming, integer programming, queuing theory.
Credit Hours: 3
Introduction to the ideas of a mathematical model and model building, linear programming models, game-theoretic models, regression analysis models. Applications in business, ecology, psychology, sociology, and political science.
Credit Hours: 3
Trees, connectivity, coverings, planarity, colorability, networks and digraphs.
Credit Hours: 3
Topics to be chosen from metric spaces, topological spaces, compactness, product spaces, the Tychonoff theorem, rubber sheet geometry, Euler's formula, the Four-Color Problem, the Jordan curve theorem, topological properties of figures.
Credit Hours: 3
Students will prepare and present paper(s) related to their primary area of interest. This course should be taken by mathematics majors in their final year of study.
Credit Hours: 1 TO 3
Course may be repeated for additional credit. Content of the course varies according to the needs or desires of the students.